From marvelling at his sports car when I was 5 to spending happy summers and Christmasses at Edge Hill, playing with Rascal and laughing round the dinner table, I have many fond memories of Richard that will stay with me forever. He inspired and shaped my love for Mathematics: I remember comparing our experiences of the British Maths Olympiad, though we sat it 50 years apart; I remember him explaining the concept and applications of optimisation to me after I said we had just started calculus at school when I was 14; I remember his advice that a true mathematician seeks truth over convenient fantasies and to strive for elegance in proofs. Richard’s immense kindness never wavered, even when he was in pain, he continued to help me, most recently in preparing for my application and interviews to study Maths at Oxford over this last year. He will be missed very much, I know his words and legacy will stay with and guide me forever.